Are Testosterone Booster Pills Safe and Effective for Raising Testosterone Levels in Men?

Testosterone boosters are supplements containing vitamins, minerals and herbs that are meant to increase your body’s natural production of testosterone. Companies that sell these products claim the supplements can help you increase your body’s intrinsic testosterone level.
Note that these “testosterone boosters” are very different from testosterone therapy as prescribed by a physician. What is prescribed by a physician are exact copies of testosterone molecules that your body produces. These compounds must be prepared and given a special way, e.g., intramuscular injection with a small needle. A prescription is required.
Taking testosterone boosters have never been proven to increase testosterone levels in men. Furthermore these boosters, like many other supplements sold over the counter or by online stores, are not regulated by the FDA. This means the ingredients contained within may not—and often are not —accurate.
There is also some concern these supplements may cause more harm than good. It is nearly impossible to insure proper quality and efficacy of such products due to storage, shipping, manufacturing, and coming from unreliable sources. Again, these products are unregulated by FDA.
Many cases of erroneous product administration has occurred in the past, particularly in young athletes, leading to substantial side effects. This includes liver and kidney dysfunction and/or excessive vitamin levels. Since many men taking these supplements do not get regular blood work, many can unknowingly develop toxic levels of certain vitamins and metabolites leading to liver and kidney dysfunction.